Advice that’s good, bad and one suggestion that’s almost impossible to achieve
I’m at Streaming Media West this week in Los Angeles covering the event for Ignite Technologies, a content delivery network for distribution of video within the enterprise. For more of Ignite’s coverage from Streaming Media West, check out Ignite’s blog.
While taking a boat cruise during the Streaming Media West conference in Los Angeles, I asked the invited guests what they would do if they really wanted everyone to watch their video. Some of them had good advice and some had advice that would be rather difficult to achieve. Watch.
Thanks to Microsoft and Kaltura for hosting the cruise.
UPDATE (11/15/10): Results from this post. Read article “Here’s what’s wrong with social media: Sharing without consumption.”David Spark, a partner in, helps businesses grow by developing thought leadership through storytelling and covering live events. Contact David by email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.
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