Seeking out value from social media for human resources
Here’s some of my coverage from the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara, Calif., in November. I was covering the event for Dice and Dice News.
Sure social media is a great tool for marketing, but its communications capabilities make it a great tool for your company’s HR department as well. In a chat with Oliver Marks (@olivermarks), head of the HR track at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference and consultant with the Sovos Group, I asked him about how various industries are approaching the use of social media tools in the workplace and in the recruiting process.David Spark, a partner in, helps businesses grow by developing thought leadership through storytelling and covering live events. Contact David by email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.
Ozio Media says
Oliver Marks made some excellent points in his interview. The one that really stuck out, and one that many businesses struggle with, is the difference between social media for personal use and social media for marketing purposes. On a personal level, I think itâs important for employees to use social media platforms on their own time and to remember that once they post information on these sites anyone can view it including HR departments and so on. In terms of marketing, social media is an essential and effective tool when used correctly.