ALinkedIn InMap is a tool that can help you visualize your profession network on LinkedIn.
The tool generates a visual “map” of your entire network using nodes for each person in your LinkedIn network.
Clusters are formed on your map based on how people are connected to you and to each other. In the map below, I can clearly see the clusters that represent my connections in the social media realm as well as the publishing industry and within the college where I teach.
Within the “live” tool, you can click on a node to see who it represents.
Aside from just looking really neat, you can use this unique view of your network to your advantage in a number of ways:
- Visually understand how to better leverage your network
- Gain insight into how others in your network are connected
- Pass along job opportunities based on new insight
- Identify gaps in your networking strategy
- Analyze how well you are adhering to your overall networking goals within a specific industry
Are there other ways you have found to apply this tool?
This post originally appeared as a Social Media Tip of the Day on Hay, a partner in, is an author and educator who develops online curricula on social media and other Internet marketing topics. She also helps businesses prepare their content for semantic search and big data analysis. Contact her, follow her on Twitter and Google Plus, or leave a comment below.
Niadin Harte says
Wow! This is such a clear visualization of your networks, in every faucet of your professional life. I've been doing a lot of research and reading on social media practices, specifically in terms of social media marketing for businesses, as I've been working on my businesses social media profile ” target=”_blank”> but in all my reading and research, i haven't come across using Linkedin Inmap as a tool to visualize your personal networks, and see exactly the networks you're likely to affect and work well with.
Deltina Hay says
Glad you found it useful, Niadin.