Understand your impact in social media with influence metrics
Guest post by Louise Sinnerton
Marketing executive, PeerIndex
How to get rewarded for your influence and online persona may seem like a complex question. Wouldn’t it be novel if you could benefit from your digital footprint? So many companies mine for the information you publish on the web for their own gains without informing you about how they’re using it.
A person’s digital footprint can make them more successful, profitable, and competitive, if they fully understand it and how to leverage its power. Understanding the areas you are most influential in, who listens to you the most and who influences you online could affect how you blog or run a business. Influence metrics give you a greater understanding of your impact in social media.
It’s also useful to see these statistics for your competitors, whether you’re running the communications department for a large corporation or you’re a niche cooking blogger — influence statistics can give you an insight into the online profile and activity of others. For example, with this group of UK supermarkets, you can see that Sainsbury’s and Marks and Spencer are the most engaged and influential online.
(Update: PeerIndex has changed its API.)
Topic influence lets marketers achieve word of mouth at scale
Last year was the year of the everyman, with ordinary people propagating change using social networks, but this year is about identifying influencers. It’s all about being able to distinguish whose voice you really want to be listening to among the masses, at the same time as letting others know where your expertise and influence lies. Seeing influence across topic areas puts influence into context. This “contextual influence” or “topic influence” also enables marketers to achieve authentic word of mouth at scale.
So, we’re trying to give people a simple answer to how they can understand and gain from their online profile, and in doing so bringing influence marketing to the masses.
We believe that you should be the one benefiting from your personal data, rather than, or at the very least at the same time as, giant multinationals. Companies are already using your data to make themselves more profitable and competitive in the marketplace, so doesn’t it make sense that you should profit from it too? PeerPerks is our newly launched program that rewards consumers for being social by pairing users with companies to bring you exclusive offers.
If you’re more data-oriented, we’ve also just launched a new version of PeerIndex, which gives you powerful analytics and data about your Twitter and Facebook activity. It focuses on the influence you exert over others and what type of conversations you are engaging in.
Two great suggestions here. I will start using both peerindex and peerperks. This is the kind of data I've been looking for to help my visitors do a better job with their social media. For help with any social media challenges, visit ” target=”_blank”>http://www.socialmedia2012.org.
Wow, I've been looking for something like both peerperks and peerindex to help with my sicial marketing. Thanks