I have been thinking a lot about the social media metrics post I wrote back on May 3rd, Real social media metrics from SM2, and I don’t think it did a good enough job at exploring some of the ways I use SM2 by Techrigy so I thought I might put it all together as a step-by-step, unscripted (obviously) process screencast for you to check out.
I don’t think Abraham Harrison LLC and I use it the way some other folks do; however, I am learning more about the SM2 tool from Techrigy and platform more and more every day. That said, at least this video allows you to see how easy it is to start with — a very low initial investment of time is required before you can start working.
The video also shows live data for one of my clients.
I structured the video walk through like one might do a baking show on TV: I show you how to make the cake to the point of placing it into the oven; then, I reach into another oven and out pops a finished cake that we can then dress and eat. I hope this video is useful for you!
Please let me know what you would like me to walk your through in the future in the comments and I would be happy to oblige.Chris Abraham is a partner in Socialmedia.biz. Contact Chris via email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.
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