This is the second of two parts. Also see: • reddit is the elephant in the room of social media marketing My recommendation for you individuals who are interested in just growing your experience, mastery, equity, and inclusion as deeply as you can in as many relevant and germane communities as possible, you will never […]
Digital PR
reddit is the elephant in the room of social media marketing
This is the first of two parts. Also see: • Don’t mess with Texas (or reddit) reddit is the 800 pound Gorilla in the room and has been for years. No one talks about the powerful and direct influence that this quirky, impenetrable, and oddly still-underground this social sharing site is. While people are writing […]
How Flipboard is changing everything
Flipboard is bringing all of your social media outlets together seamlessly, making it easy for you to keep up with the latest news. Find out how Flipboard is changing everything and boosting your Klout score in the process.
Don’t bring your social media completely in-house
I really believe it’s bad advice to recommend that companies fire their social media consultants, experts and agencies only to bring everything in house. The social mediasphere is enormous and 80% listening which demands crisis management experience and a solid team.
Integrity is inherent in earned media but not paid
Yesterday I asked if earned media was a thing of the past and whether payola, pay-per-post, pay-per-link, sponsored posts, and site sponsorship were the new de facto in digital PR. That post generated some responses, so here’s the back-and-forth on the topic.