Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesperson for WikiLeaks (photo by JD Lasica) WikiLeaks official criticizes New York Times before international group of journalists WikiLeaks has changed the role of journalism and “made journalists braver,” Kristinn Hrafnsson, the official spokesperson for WikiLeaks, told an international group of journalists assembled in Santiago, Chile, on Thursday. Braver, that is, with […]
The story of Intelpedia: A model corporate wiki
The home page of Intelpedia, Intel’s corporate wiki. Other companies should take a page from Intel’s collaborative workspace Wikis are the poor cousins of social media. Seldom loved, often feared, always unsexy, a wiki is simply a collaborative website that can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. At its heart, a […]
Chatting with Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales about community
(CC) photo by Joi Ito Yesterday I wore two hats as a guest and co-host on David Mathison’s Be the Media Radio podcast on BlogTalkRadio along with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. The topic was online communities — how to grow, nurture and sustain them, Here’s our hourlong conversation — Jimmy Wales comes in about 20 […]