If you don’t refer to your services in the same way that others do, you’ll be surprisingly invisible when it comes to your prospects finding you on the Internet. Know your industry buzzwords and keep your business current.
Digital PR
Why are you so afraid of engaging bloggers?
Tips for how your agency or firm should do outreach the right way Unlike a few years ago, today everyone at least pays lip service to reaching out to bloggers, the same way that PR people have always reached out to mainstream media. That’s what my company, Abraham-Harrison, does and lots of other companies try […]
How to make news in the digital era
In a world in which everyone seems to be a chicken little speaking of the end of traditional journalism, PR and advertising, there are very few people who are working toward guiding the industry toward success in new new media. Some interesting books about “what’s next” that I am reading are The Chaos Scenario by Bob […]
I would have appreciated an apology
This morning at 8:42 AM Eastern, Beth Brody sent out an email titled, “[Digitalbrand] New Social Media Marketing for Small Business e-book.” Don’t get me wrong, I receive — and send — so many of these email pitches as a blogger and the president of a digital PR firm — and this was like any […]
Go to Bad Pitch Night School
Digital PR rockstars Kevin Dugan and Richard Laermer are increasing their Bad Pitch Blog efforts and having a tele-seminar for anyone who needs to improve their approach to media relations — and by default social media. They obviously don’t see me, Maestro Abraham, as an attendee, but they thought you guys might be interested. It’s […]