I‘m still a big fan of cleverly done mashups. The latest to come across my desk is one from MoveOn.org. Fox host Glenn Beck has gone to absurd lengths to attack President Obama, progressive leaders—even the idea of progressivism itself. But now he’s taken it one step further: Beck has gone after YOU. (Or at […]
Mashup culture and social media
Just left the final session of Remix/Mashup 2009: The Future of Creative Production and Ownership at Ohio State’s Moritz College of Law, which explored the implications of mashup and remix in the world of Web 2.0. They reached out to me last fall and I couldn’t resist flying out — this was the first conference […]
Mashing up public records
In this 8-minute video interview I conducted Wednesday at the NetSquared conference — notice the venue: Cisco, not a media company — founder-CEO Michael Schnuerle discusses Louisville-based YourMapper.com, a young startup that hopes to make a business in part by helping the public gain public access to public records. The company has already licensed its […]