Photo courtesy of University of Salford Press Office (Creative Commons BY) Post by Taylor Tomita In a world that is becoming engulfed in technology, the relevancy of social media continues to skyrocket. We’ve seen businesses come to terms with the fact that they have to become more social to remain relevant. But what about you? […]
online reputation
Do your Twitter followers matter to your brand?
Building a good Twitter account can be a vital part of your brand’s online marketing presence, but stay aware that what you say and who you say it to can have a far-reaching impact on your reputation. It’s far better for your business in the long term if you build your Twitter reputation slowly.
Why you must armor your online reputation
Here are steps your company or organization should consider taking to get ahead of the problem by steeling your defenses before a crisis hits.
5 tips for repairing your damaged online reputation
Is your business’ online reputation damaged? Here are 5 tips to monitor and repair your rep.
Using social media to enhance your brand’s reputation
As a business doing high-impact social work, it is critically important that your online business reputation be one that is polished and positive. Find out how you can use social media to positively impact your reputation.