Building a good Twitter account can be a vital part of your brand’s online marketing presence, but stay aware that what you say and who you say it to can have a far-reaching impact on your reputation. It’s far better for your business in the long term if you build your Twitter reputation slowly.
Burnish your brand’s reputation, don’t ‘manage’ it
Reputation management is not about dressing up mistakes. Here’s how to burnish your brand’s reputation rather than manage it.
Using social media to enhance your brand’s reputation
As a business doing high-impact social work, it is critically important that your online business reputation be one that is polished and positive. Find out how you can use social media to positively impact your reputation.
How to boost your Klout score with Flipboard
Giving more than you take is one of the hardest things to do when it comes to participating in social media, but it’s also essential to increase your presence and credibility. Find out how Flipboard is making the task easier, and how you can boost your Klout score in the process.
Remove those regrettable online reputation tattoos
The way you feel now about all those photos of you at the beach, in your suit, body-proud, tanned and drinking — liberation and joy — may end up making you feel completely different in your near future — trapped and ashamed. No matter how young you may be, reading these words, you need to […]