Cali Lewis of from JD Lasica on Vimeo. The host of GeekBrief.TV also offers 7 secrets to podcasting success If you travel in technology circles, chances are you’ve heard of Cali Lewis, the extraordinarily gifted, personaable and successful Web show pioneer who hosts and co-produces GeekBrief.TV. She’s about to top 50,000 followers on Twitter […]
video podcast
A question for the presidential candidates
This is videoblogging week. Pretty simple concept: Post a video each day and tag your video videobloggingweek2007. You can see what others have done at MeFeedia. Here’s my first video of the week. Jeff Jarvis invited people to make videos of questions we should put to the presidential candidates, so I took Jeff up on […]
Daniel Meadows on the power of storytelling
I cornered Daniel Meadows, one of the icons of the digital storytelling movement, a week ago at the Digital Storytelling Festival at KQED in San Francisco. Daniel talks about his personal journey from journalism ("doing media to others") to storytelling ("enabling people to tell their own stories"). If you’re wondering what digital storytelling is all […]