The social media disclaimer start-ups should know I get asked a lot: “How do I make money off social media?” Uhmm, well, you use the magic wand of online web awesomeness, obviously. Or maybe not. We have all read a million articles pointing us toward tools we should be using, things we should be considering, […]
Using Twitter Lists to manage your reputation
How to use Lists to monitor your personal & professional brands There’s been a lot of talk about Twitter Lists. How do you use them? How can they be improved? What is Twitter hoping to do with them … down the road? Not to mention the many posts on how pointless or awesome they are. […]
Escape your bubble: How to grow your social media circle
Seifenblase by Photoclinique Suggestions on how to quickly and effectively connect with people on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter Most of us have passed the exploratory stage of social media. We are all signed up for the micro-blogging sites, the networks, the communities. We have been trading content and pushing around links for months, if not […]
Social media recruiting done right
Murphy-Goode Winery becomes the talk of the Twitterverse [youtube][/youtube] I’m not going to lie. It’s hard to work in PR and branding these days. You are bombarded with all sorts of expert information and advice. People are constantly suggesting you try this strategy, platform, or network. Your brand is not only expected to sustain a […]
Nudging, poking and insanity, oh my!
OK, folks, the next one of you who pokes or nudges me is going to get smacked. Alright, maybe not smacked, but I will certainly wave my fist in the air in your honor. What is it about these features that irk me so much? Ever since signing up for Facebook and Twitter I have […]