To help corporate social media champions and consultants
I‘m really excited about presenting the Social Network Roadmap in Los Angeles at the Social Networking Conference, so I won’t pretend to be impartial here.
If you are trying to persuade risk-adverse colleagues or clients to adopt social media more quickly, read on. The roadmap is a suite of management tools that helps users to manage the risks that adopting social networks poses for large organizations. I’ll also share the agenda and ask for your comments.
Executives and large organizations don’t like risk because they are often winners of the status quo, and they have costly-although-efficient business processes. Disruptive phenomena like social networks introduce uncertainty(good?bad) to capital-intensive processes, so the Social Network Roadmap tackles executives’ conflict head-on by providing a framework and tools to manage the risk, thereby enabling large organizations to adopt more quickly. My experience with building E-Business Transformation and Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture roadmaps for led me to develop the roadmap a year ago.
Below the agenda, I have also included links to further resources if you’d like to learn more. There are still spots available, so if you like it, please check it out and tell your friends!
The LA workshop
This a pre-conference workshop that runs from 2-5 p.m. on June 24.
Session 1: Executive Overview of Enterprise Social Networks (1 hour)
- Using Twitter and Application Template
- Using Facebook to build community and Application Template
- Using LinkedIn for B2B busdev and Application Template
- Using Blogs and Wikis to increase collaboration in or outside the enterprise
- Mobile social networking overview and Application Template
- YouTube overview and Application Template
- Podcasting overview and Application Template
- Second Life overview and Application Template
- (Application Templates are summaries of indicators for when to use a platform (i.e. Facebook, YouTube) for a project)
- Value prop: understand key social networks and types, how firms are using them and when they might apply to your business
Session 2: Business Cases and Solutions (1 hour)
- Business case: Using social networking to grow revenue
- Business case: Using social networking to cut costs
- Business case: Using social networking to do both
- Vendor overview: enterprise bolt-on
- Vendor overview: white label/pureplay
- Vendor overview: open platform (LinkedIn, Facebook)
- Vendor selection framework
- Some new business cases
- Value prop: how to build a business case and how to think about vendor partners, how to evaluate them
Session 3: Blueprint for Social Network (SN) Projects (1 hour)
- Emerging good practices and pitfalls
- Using the Social Network Roadmap Blueprint
- How to mitigate risk during implementation of enterprise SN initiatives
- Auditing your enterprise’s Web 2.0 ecosystem
- Assessing your readiness to engage SNs
- Framework for planning, creating, launching and measuring a SN pilot
- Tools: Using the Social Network Life Cycle Model to manage expectations and predict revenue
- Tools: Using the Web 2.0 Adoption Curve to out-execute rivals
- Value prop: suite of tools to plan, organize, run and measure a project (pilot); these tools significantly increase the business value you can produce and shorten to time to money
Two new tools will debut in LA
- The Social Network Life Cycle Model gives teams a framework to measure (quantitatively) the four stages of relationship development (the 4th stage is revenue), which will help them to keep focused on the right things (quantitative outcomes of developing relationships) and manage expectations (and their investment).
- The Web 2.0 Adoption Curve is a strategic breakthrough that can have major impact on a company’s market position because their projects will succeed, and they will build momentum while rivals are on the sidelines with failed projects.
- The workshop also includes a follow-up telesession per participating company to help them get started once they are back in the office.
Your opinion and feedback
If you were undertaking corporate projects—or advising someone who was—which parts of the workshop would you find most helpful and why? What else would you like to see, recognizing that its goal is to help managers to succeed in launching pilots? Thank you!
Related resources
- The Social Network Roadmap website has many more papers and resources
- Register “full conference” (there are still spots available)
- Executive Preview movie trailer (5 minutes)
- Subscribe to the Social Network Roadmap Monthly Advisor
- Keep up on Facebook: Fan the SNR Page
Christopher S. Rollyson is a partner in and managing director of CSRA, a management consultancy that advises enterprises and startups on social business strategy and execution. Contact Christopher by email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.