Here it is: the most comprehensive list of where to find jobs on Twitter. I’ve been conceptualizing this post for a while. I was finally motivated this morning after reading Using Twitter for Job Search, a post by Louise Fletcher, a fellow career blogger. Fletcher outlines the different ways a twitter-lover can use their tweets to search out jobs and land them. She does a great job of stressing the importance of connecting with the right people and sharing quality information. After reading it I was left wondering. “What job boards are taking advantage of this partnership opportunity?
I’ve long wanted to put together a comprehensive list of job boards on Twitter. I did some research on which big brand job boards are embracing the Twitter platform as a way to reach potential users. Although there are a number of them squatting on their brand names, not many of the bigger boards are very active. Nice work folks.
There are a few exceptions, however (@indeed for example) and us of course (@theonlinebeat). I surprisingly came across a number of boutique boards spanning both geographical territories and niche industries. Many of them are working incollaboration with websites, but some are simply a community of users posting jobs for in a specific niche. As the Twitter community continues to grow, I can’t help but be aware of how it could drastically change the future of online job searching. It will be an exciting ride that is for sure.
Job search resources
Below is the list of job boards/job search resources I found, that were active enough to make the list, please let me know if I have missed anything…
@authenticjobs: “An astutely savvy blend of talent and opportunity.”
@fish4accjobs: “Accountancy job search & recruitment”
@hippojobs: “Hippo Jobs – for full-time, part-time and casual work”
@indeed: “one search. all jobs.”
@jewish_jobs: “Got a Jewish Job to post?”
@jobs4friends: “Web 2.0 recruiters community”
@jobwire: “Tracking new hires in tech, social media and more”
@journalism_jobs: “A posting of jobs in journalism”
@juicyjobs: “A green job search board which offers free job listing”
@lacraigslistjob: “Jobs in L.A.”
@libgig_jobs: “Library Jobs”
@media_jobs: “Jobs in media”
@medical_jobs: “Medical jobs”
@monstercareers: “Tweeting career advice and discussions”
@mtltweetjobs: “PR/marketing/social media/tech jobs in Montreal.”
@ppcjobs: “Paid search job listings”
@publishingjobs: “The new job ads section of the blog Publishing Talk.”
@reflectx: “Jobs for physical therapy”
@resume: “Resume tips/resource”
@sdjobs: “San Diego Tech Jobs”
@seojobs: “SEO job listings”
@simplyhired: “Job search site”
@socialmediajob: “Jobs in social media”
@theonlinebeat: “A premier job resource”
@travelmaxallied: “Healthcare jobs, traveling & permanent”
@travelnursejob: “Jobs for traveling nurses”
@twithire: TwitHire is a free job board service for Twitter”
@usmusicjobs: “US Music Jobs”
@voltredmond: “Jobs for program managers and IT professionals”
@wahm_job_leads: “Helping you to work at home.”
@web_design_jobs: “Tweeting web design and other graphics job leads”
@web20jobs: “Real-time tracker of highest paying UK web 2.0 jobs”
@workhappynow: “Helping people work happier – there is nothing better.”
What did I miss? Leave below and I’ll be sure to add! Thanks.
Joanna Lord is a social marketing consultant and founder of YourJobStop, the job resources board. See her business profile, contact Joanna or leave a comment below.
Henry Mackintosh says
Nice article. For other job feeds on Twitter you may want check out the global twitter job feed directory here:
Elizabeth Catherwood says
So helpful — thanks so much.
Mike says
Somehow @jobshouts did not make your list? hmmm